Tuesday, September 2, 2008

LeRoi Moore, 1961-2008

Just yesterday I had a talk with a friend about entertainment. Really it is art, the kind that rattles around your soul and inspires you to breathe life into your own creative impulse. But Monday I thought about how one snippet of a song can capture my heart and hold on for so many listens that I want to back away before I get sick of it. But I just can't stop. You know how love goes.

Immediately I thought of Dave Matthews Band's "Lie In Our Graves" from that epic Red Rocks album. Dave's voice, Carter's drums, Stefan's bassline and even Boyd's electric violins fade behind LeRoi's stunning ode to the joy of sax.

Oh. My. God.

Throughout the adolescent years I listened to that solo over and over again. I could not get enough. Hear it and weep.

But love fades without attention.

In time, DMB no longer inspired me like they had when we were all younger. I had my hands full in Generation iPod, and I didn't have room in my heart for an old flame.

But today I heard that LeRoi died. It isn't news to anyone but me; online reports fade within minutes, and I was two weeks late on this story.

Still. You know how death makes everything stand still, intensifying desires for reconciliation, inspiration and gladness of heart?

That song plays on. It's echoing in my ears, spinning through my memory channels and bringing joy to my heart once again.

Thank you friend.

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